Life Enrichment

This provider’s life enrichment program takes wellness programming to the next step—beyond good health and personal growth and on to the benefit of families, neighbors and the surrounding community.

Person-Centered Care Philosophy

Sometimes we are not here because the resident remembers us, but because we remember the resident.
At our core we are working to help each person we serve find a voice. 

Opportunities for Socialization

Many seniors complain about not having companionship—some through the loss of a spouse, others through the loss of friends and finally the absence of family. Loneliness and isolation are among the leading causes of depression, sickness and decline in overall health and wellness. 

Resident-Driven Philosophy

It takes residents and associates working together to change the culture. Staff should not just be putting on “puppet shows” to entertain, but act as advisors for residents to create and engage with programming. This celebrates and promotes individual skills and talents, and sharing them helps to create a culture of change.

Creative Leadership

Staff needs resources that go beyond scheduling traditional programs such as card groups, group exercise or bingo.
Talent management is critical in developing the staff’s leadership, empowerment and creativity. Beyond an annual review, one also needs to develop a “tool box” for activity managers and leaders to build upon over their careers. 


It takes a special person to work in activities. Activity associates have to be artists. An artist creates something from nothing. This goes beyond just listing things to do on a calendar. An activity associate is responsible for creating a culture through effective programming opportunities. 

Diversity in Programming

While we like to reminisce on our pasts, it is important not to lose focus on the here and now as well as tomorrow. Regardless of age or physical limitations, we can always learn new skills while celebrating old favorites. Social engagement, recreation and just having fun are the keys to life balance, stress reduction and health.


Using the latest social media, having residents in health care Skype with family members, or performing a dance off on the Kinect for Xbox are all ways to encourage residents to not be afraid of technology and to be a living part of today’s culture.

Community Outreach for Residents

For an individual to successfully age, a campus should offer opportunities to help individuals strive for something bigger than themselves, building self-worth and creating leaders and advocates within your resident population.


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